Hanson Industrial Pension Scheme - Defined Contribution

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Pension Scams

A message from the Trustee of the Hanson Industrial Pension Scheme: Property Funds re-opening

In March this year, we issued an important announcement to our Scheme members to let them know that property funds had been temporarily closed at short notice, impacting members who had chosen to invest in the HIPS Passive Diversified Fund and also those invested in the Scheme’s three Lifestyle options. 

Your pension update

A message from the Trustee of the Hanson Industrial Pension Scheme (the Scheme) Monitoring the economic impact of coronavirus (or COVID-19) 

You may have seen in the news or heard about the recent fall in stock markets as the economic impact of COVID-19 is felt around the world. 

Scheme Information

The DC Hanson Industrial Pension Scheme is governed by a Trust Deed and Rules as amended from time to time. The provisions of the Scheme are summarised in a Member Guide which is issued to all members when they join the Scheme and updated from time to time. If there is a conflict between the Member Guide and the Trust Deed and Rules, the Trust Deed and Rules prevail.

Chairman's DC Governance Statement

Governance requirements apply to defined contribution ("DC") pension arrangements like the Hanson Industrial Pension Scheme to help members achieve a good outcome from their pension savings. The Trustee is required to produce a yearly statement to describe how these governance requirements have been met.

Statement of investment principles for the Hanson Industrial Pension Scheme

Implementation Statement, covering the year from 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2022

Scheme Booklet and Investment Guide


Auto enrolment

To help people save more for their retirement, the government requires employers to enrol their workers into a workplace pension scheme.

This applies to those workers who aren’t already in one, and who

  • earn over £10,000 a year (£833 a month or £192 per week); and
  • are aged 22 or over; and
  • are under State Pension age

Learn more about Auto enrolment

Capita contact details

Your pension is administered by Capita on behalf of the Trustees. If you have questions or requests they can be contacted by phone or email. They will be able assist you with changes and options available to you.

Contribution and Fund data personal to you can be viewed on the Capita Hartlink portal

Fidelity investment information

Fund prices, performance information, retirement plan fund factsheets, investment guides, tools to check if you're saving enough and more.

Contact Hanson

Contact Hanson with any queries you might have or report an issue you might be having with the website.